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Under the heading There lies Europe, the 22nd poesiefestival berlin from 11 to 17 June 2021 is investigating the poetry of Europe in all its diversity of forms and languages, and in spite of the pandemic is building poetic bridges across the continent

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Madrid: Innovation meetings in the Arts and Humanities on 20 May


Madrid: Innovation meetings in the Arts and Humanities on 20 May

The Círculo de Bellas Artes’ R+D+C Forum aims to become a meeting point between research in the Arts and Humanities and different economic and social agents,

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Artistic Freedom in Europe: Mission (in)complete!?


Artistic Freedom in Europe: Mission (in)complete!?

The European Alliance of Academies celebrates Europe Day by reminding the importance of artistic freedom in Europe.

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Summit on European Cultural Politics and New Digital Solutions


Summit on European Cultural Politics and New Digital Solutions

What kind of policies are needed to support the European arts and culture scene? How can new digital spaces empower cultural actors across Europe? 

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EAoA Members meet for vivd exchange


EAoA Members meet for vivd exchange

How can artistic cooperation take place in the digital space? What legal and political possibilities are there to protect the freedom of art in Europe?

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Talking about our European future


Talking about our European future

What should the future of Europe look like? What do we wish to achieve together? What do we want to change when it comes to the European Union its institutions, regulations, and its inner and outer workings?

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Launch of the Report on the State of Artistic Freedom 2021


Launch of the Report on the State of Artistic Freedom 2021

At the Re:Writing the Future Festival, the State of Artistic Freedom 2021 report is launched by the non-governmental organization Freemuse.

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Европейски алианс на академиите Europski savez akademija Evropská aliance akademií Europæisk sammenslutning af akademier Europäische Allianz der Akademien Europese alliantie van de academiën European Alliance of Academies Euroopa akadeemiate ühendus Akatemioiden eurooppalainen liittoutuma Alliance européenne des academies Ευρωπαϊκή σύμπραξη των Ακαδημιών Akadémiák Európai Szövetsége Comhghuallaíocht Eorpach na nAcadamh Alleanza europea delle Accademie Eiropas Akadēmiju alianse Europos akademijų aljansas Allianza Ewropea tal-Akkademji Europejski sojusz akademii Aliança Europeia das Academias Alianța Europeană a Academiilor Európska aliancia akadémií Zveza evropskih akademij Alianza Europea de Academias Europeiska akademiska alliansen