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Climate Café


Climate Café

How do we experience the climate crisis? And how can society be successfully transformed? We have had over 30 years to take careful steps to address the urgent task of transforming society. Nothing has happened – despite us knowing better!

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Atlas of Change: Climate Group launches Open Call


Atlas of Change: Climate Group launches Open Call

The Climate Group of the European Alliance of Academies presents their activities: Atlas of Change and Café Climate

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The Silent Way towards Totalitarianism


The Silent Way towards Totalitarianism

On behalf of the European Alliance of Academies, author Cécile Wajsbrot summarises the concerns of Alliance members about the situation for art and culture in Hungary.

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Madrid Book Fair: Freedom of Artistic Creation in Europe


Madrid Book Fair: Freedom of Artistic Creation in Europe

Members of the European Alliance of Academies discuss the freedom of artistic expression and creation in Europe.

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European Alliance of Academies Demands Artistic Freedom in Hungary and Europe


European Alliance of Academies Demands Artistic Freedom in Hungary and Europe

On 30‒31 May 2023, the European Alliance of Academies held a conference of solidarity with the Society of Hungarian Authors Szépírók Társasága in Budapest.

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Европейски алианс на академиите Europski savez akademija Evropská aliance akademií Europæisk sammenslutning af akademier Europäische Allianz der Akademien Europese alliantie van de academiën European Alliance of Academies Euroopa akadeemiate ühendus Akatemioiden eurooppalainen liittoutuma Alliance européenne des academies Ευρωπαϊκή σύμπραξη των Ακαδημιών Akadémiák Európai Szövetsége Comhghuallaíocht Eorpach na nAcadamh Alleanza europea delle Accademie Eiropas Akadēmiju alianse Europos akademijų aljansas Allianza Ewropea tal-Akkademji Europejski sojusz akademii Aliança Europeia das Academias Alianța Europeană a Academiilor Európska aliancia akadémií Zveza evropskih akademij Alianza Europea de Academias Europeiska akademiska alliansen