Европейски алианс на академиите Europski savez akademija Evropská aliance akademií Europæisk sammenslutning af akademier Europäische Allianz der Akademien Europese alliantie van de academiën European Alliance of Academies Euroopa akadeemiate ühendus Akatemioiden eurooppalainen liittoutuma Alliance européenne des academies Ευρωπαϊκή σύμπραξη των Ακαδημιών Akadémiák Európai Szövetsége Comhghuallaíocht Eorpach na nAcadamh Alleanza europea delle Accademie Eiropas Akadēmiju alianse Europos akademijų aljansas Allianza Ewropea tal-Akkademji Europejski sojusz akademii Aliança Europeia das Academias Alianța Europeană a Academiilor Európska aliancia akadémií Zveza evropskih akademij Alianza Europea de Academias Europeiska akademiska alliansen


The pan-european group, which came together in 2020 to mark the founding of the European Alliance of Academies, is receiving rave reviews for its newly released CD „Live at Pariser Platz“ available at Evil Rabbit Records

eyal hareuveni, 8 december 2022, salt peanuts

true to the spirit of free improvisation, as well as the meeting of the alliance of the european academies, music aoa impro group builds bridges between seemingly distant musical heritages and legacies, beyond national and geographical borders, and seeks solidarity and collective creativity. 

manthos giourtzoglou, 21 january 2023, keepjazzin.gr

προκειται για ενα φουλ free impro liveτο οποίο αναμφίβολα έχει πολλή ενέργεια και απευθύνεται κατευθείαν “στην καρδιά” των φίλων του είδους. το σοπράνο σαξόφωνο και το μπασο κλαρινέτο του φλώρου φλωρίδη συνδιαλέγονται ρμονικά και “παιχνιδιάρικα” με το κόρνο της ελενας κακαλιάγκου, στο “ελληνικό” ντουο πνευστών αυτής της πενταεθνούς μπάντας, με τα σχεδόν απόκοσμα φωνητικά της almut kuhne να ταράζουν τα “νερά” της ακρόασης και το δίδυμο του ιταλού κοντραμπασίστα και του νορβηγού ντράμερ να γεμίζουν με το μεστό τους παίξιμο το άκουσμα.

this is a full free impro live which undoubtedly has a lot of energy and is addressed directly „to the heart“ of the fans of the genre. the soprano saxophone and bass clarinet of Floros Floridis interact harmoniously and playfully with the horn of Elena Kakaliagou, in the „Greek“ wind duo of this five-year-old band, with the almost eerie vocals of Almut Kühne stirring up the „waters“ of the listening and the duo of the Italian double bassist and the Norwegian drummer filling the listening with their hearty playing.

AoA Impro Group at Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2022. Photo: M. Lieberenz

dolf mulder, dec 2022, vital weekly number 1367

it may not be entirely coincidental that this group has different european nationalities on board. however, international lineups are often the case in collaborations of this kind of – by definition – border-breaking music. (…) together they create a harmonious and balanced atmosphere where everybody can contribute in their free and abstract improvisations. a very positive and poetic work.

jean-michel van schouwburg, march 2023, orynx

une musique aérienne et jouée / exécutée lentement et toute en finesse. un groupe à l’instrumentation rare : la voix humaine d’almut kühne, le french horn d’elena kakaliagou, la contrebasse d’antonio borghini, la batterie de dag magnus narvesen et le sax soprano et la clarinette basse de floros floridis. pivotant autour ou par-dessus la contrebasse puissante et discrète d’antonio borghini, la voix pure et magnifique d’almut kühne étire patiemment des vocalises d’une exquise finesse avec autant de précision que de pureté. la voix idéale pour une expression contemporaine épurée, retenue et exprimant l’essentiel. filet de voix aigu vif argent, ses capacités de chanteuse lui permettent d’incarner bien des émotions et de revêtir une multiplicité de rôles avec une technique sans faille et une sûreté impressionnante. le moindre son de sa voix suggère la vocalité, un substrat mélodique, une inflexion musicale magique. et lorsque le besoin se fait sentir elle peut « déraper » outre mesure par des excès expressifs.


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European Alliance of Academies. A conference of European cultural institutions. 8 Oct 2020

rigobert dittmann, nov / dec 2022, bad alchemy 117

was für ein bunter haufen. so unsäglich kann berlin gar nicht sein, wenn man sieht, wer sich alles dort sucht und findet: eine deutsche vokalistin, der man an der seite von gebhard ullmann oder joke lanz begegnen konnte, eine griechische hornistin mit anschluss an zeitkratzer, ein kontrabassist aus mailand im hoch mit tristan honsinger und die hochstapler, ein norwegischer drummer mit knowhow durch aki takase japanic oder das bauer/bauer/narvesen trio, und mit dem sopranosaxer & bassklarinettisten aus thessaloniki ein pionier des nowjazz in hellas. er gibt gleich tirilierend das türöffnende a, das waldhorn schließt sich als tutender schatten an und übernimmt mit sonorem o die nächsten schritte in katakomben, in denen kühne magische formeln anstimmt zu dunklen bogenstrichen, dunkler bassklarinette und flackerndem getrommel. der helldunkle sing- sang in zunehmend glossolalem delirium umfasst durch zickige spitzen mehrere oktaven, die griechischen orakler kauen und schmauchen am tiefen ende mit. in den hades, ad fontes, das horn und kühne als gurrende seelenführerin besänftigen kerberos? so wie sie ihn zudem mit puckischen lauten verwirrt, so versenkt sie alles und alle in oberons gefilde. ploppende, windig blasende, plonkende und bassklarinettendunkle töne weben traumstoff, der bass rumort und schnarrt, kühne keckert und keucht kehllaute zu per- kussivem geflicker, die bassklarinette heult. zum tutenden horn, sprudeliger klarinette und strammem pizzikato beginnt kühne nochmal überkandidelt zu scatten, halb schon jenseits vom hohen c, doch halb auch noch als rauhkehlchen. viel vogeliger geht es kaum.


The European Alliance of Academies condemns the Russian war of aggression since its outbreak one year ago, and declares its ongoing solidarity with the people of Ukraine. 

The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine is the newest member of the European Alliance of Academies. You can find the profile of the Academy here.

The transnational alliance wants to provide support for artists, journalists, cultural institutions and people working in the cultural sector. From within our 70 partner institutions across Europe, we collect and share information that can be helpful within the current situation.

If you can provide further information or offers please contact us:

T +49(0)30 200 57-15 46

+++ this list is frequently updated +++

The University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria offers support and help here

The Czech Literary Centre offers residencies for translators of Czech, foreign Czech studies specialists, and Ukrainian writers/translators.

The Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague organizes Czech language courses for Ukrainian students of art colleges. turned the entire residency program into residencies for Ukrainian artists and set up a special website where jobs and other offers are available and Ukrainian artists and other cultural workers can post their needs. https://www.culturenet.cz/

The Akademie der Künste offers a collection of support inititiatives for artists and cultural actors in Ukraine 

Furthermore, the Akademie der Künste actively supported the Network for Protection of Cultural Assets in Ukraine https://www.dug-ww.com/Kulturgutschutz_Ukraine

The University of Arts in Berlin has created an overview of several programmes and initatives to provide support, help and solidary for Ukraine.

The Technische Universität in Berlin offers help and support via their Academic Advising Service.

The Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg organized the installation Die Tafel 2 of Ukrainian artist Maria Kulikovska in order to support her and her family. The artist will be present on March 7.

The Akademie van Kunsten runs a series of artists meetings to discuss „Art in Times of War“

The Committee of Architecture and Town Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences informs that each student of architecture from any Ukrainian school of architecture could apply for enrolment in one of the Architecture Departments at Universities of Technology in 9 locations: Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Cracow, Gliwice, Szczecin, Łódź, Białystok, Poznań. www.kaiu.pan.pl/en/

Art Newspaper has published a list of 10 organisations and initiatives in Europe, that provides supports. It gives information concerning funding, shelter and emergency resources for artists affected by war in Ukraine.

Filmmakers for Ukraine is a contact point for filmmakers and their families from the Ukraine. The website collects and publishes information throughout Europe: www.filmmakers-for-ukraine.com

The UKRAINE Funding Line by the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung will offer support by covering staff costs in public museums and collections that employ either refugee scholars from Ukraine or Russian scholars who were forced to leave Russia due to their opposition to war in Ukraine.

ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for professional exchange and development in higher arts education. They offer a list of initiatives throughout Europe.

The European Cultural Foundation offers the Culture of Solidarity Fund- Ukraine special edition. The fund is now open to individuals, collectives and organisations from all sectors and civil society at large that propose short-term or mid-term European cultural initiatives.

The Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk hosted around 23 students from several Ukrainian Academies (art schools from Lviv, Kiev and Kharkiv) and provided them the opportunity to work in their studios with housing, clothes, food and pocket money.

The weissensee school of art and design berlin is offering refugees from Ukraine: its Foundation Class 2022/23, a programme designed to help people who are fleeing from conflict prepare for their studies, guest studentships for refugees that are free of charge and the oportunity to embark on a regular programme of study via the admission exams, or to start in Berlin in a higher semester having started to study at a university at home, or – for students with a bachelor’s degree – the opportunity to progress to an MA course via the master’s admission procedures. Contact: Susann Lipp at studienberatung@kh-berlin.de

Support for cultural institutions

In order to protect cultural heritage from Ukrainian libraries, museums and archives and to digitally save it Sebastian Majstorovic calls via Twitter to collect digital collections from the Ukraine in order to secure these digitally. These institution have been reported so far. Further institutions and their online collections can be reported here.


Subscribe for the future of independent contemporary Hungarian literature and support the crowdfunding campaign of the Society of Hungarian Authors

The National Cultural Fund in Hungary has cut the annual subsidy of the largest independent Hungarian writers‘ organisation by a third, making it impossible for the Society of Hungarian Writers to operate.

The Society was established in 1997 to promote contemporary literature and democratic cultural policies. Its almost 400 members include some of the internationally most acclaimed Hungarian writers as well as cultural journalists and cultural managers from across Hungary, and also writers and critics of the Hungarian minorities and diasporas, along with international translators and scholars of Hungarian literature.

Almost all of the Hungarian NGOs apply to the National Cultural Fund on a yearly basis, and then get more or less the same amount of donation every year. This time, the Fund radically reduced the funding by 66% and blocked the bank transfer for at least 4-5 months reasoning it with the current economical crisis. It means the possibility of a bankruptcy and it threatens the operation of the association in the very near future.

Inflation and the international increase of oil and gas prices effect all the European countries, but there is a strong belief that the Hungarian government uses this situation to eliminate local independent civil societies, or at the least makes it almost impossible for them to survive. Which means it is not only an economical but mostly a political question in Hungary.

The organisation is therefore trying to find a solution through a variety of means:

  • contacting international literary and cultural advocacy organisations,
  • approaching private sponsors to build a stable and growing sponsorship
  • negotiating the expansion and continuation of ongoing national and international projects.

In addition to this, a fundraising campaign through community funding is necessary to ensure a stable operation.
Subscribe for the future of independent contemporary Hungarian literature and support the crowdfunding campaign via ko-fi.com/szepiroktarsasaga


Photo: Marianna Szűcs-Szabó

Writer Czinki Ferenc, president of Szépírók Társasága, one of the founding members of the European Alliance of Academies describes in his article for Kulturaustausch Magazine the difficulties of independent teaching and art in Hungary (in German language).


The current issue of the Journal der Künste #19 gathers important topics and key actors of the European Alliance of Academies. The focus lays on the recently published platform LOOM Interweaving the Arts in Europe – a digital space for artistic collaboration of the alliance members and in which artists’ positions are juxtaposed with current political challenges. It is the latest project of the European Alliance of Academies.

Read the full article in the Journal der Künste here.

by María José Crespo

María José Crespo’s video work Govern Yourself Accordingly is one of the ten selected positions that are published on the platform LOOM Interweaving the Arts in Europe. She reveals the interplay of the administrative, geographical, and psychological effects of the border wall between the USA and Mexico.

Read the full article here.

Three-channel digital video, 7:23 min., 2022

by Aleš Šteger

In his text “How Does Political Radicalization Threaten Artistic Freedom in Europe?”, writer Aleš Šteger explains the complex political, economic, and social conditions that are needed to safeguard freedom of the arts.

Read the full article here.


„LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe“ is online!

The European Alliance of Academies launches LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe, a digital platform for transnational projects and artistic cooperation among the institutions and artists of the network, providing possible answers to current social and cultural questions.

LOOM is a digital space for the cause of freedom in the arts – a space in which artistic positions are juxtaposed with current political challenges. It aims at creating a digital territory that transcends the local reach of artists and institutions and “weaves” artistic practices in Europe, across borders, into a colourful tapestry. 

In 2021 – in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic – the European Alliance of Academies developed its first call for projects based on the topic of biopolitics: Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the (Post)Pandemic Age. Digital residencies provided artists who are associated by the institutions of the European Alliance of Academies with the space to reflect on their own practices in the aftermath of the pandemic and in the context of current social and political changes.

The first twelve virtual residents were announced in January 2022 and today with the launch of LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe we proudly present:

Iulian Bisericaru, I prefer the old Green
Larisa Crunțeanu, 12 Years
Cássio Diniz Santiago, Synthax of Care
María José Crespo, Govern yourself accordingly
Luïza Luz, Privilege of Dreaming
Rebecca Merlic, Željko Beljan, Truth Is a Forgotten Memory
Karina Pino Gallardo, Ricardo Sarmiento Ramírez, Mund auf
Dimitrina Popova, The five Houses
Jovana Popić, Controlling Future: Technologies of Resistance
Anahita Razmi, Generics

The international jury was composed of Liesbeth Bik (artist, chair of the Akademie van Kunsten KNAW), Arnold Dreyblatt (artist, composer, musician, member of Akademie der Künste), Kristoffer Gansing (director of the International Center for Knowledge in the Arts – The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts), Anca Poterasu (director of the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art), Cristina Stonescu (curator of the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art), Josip Zanki (artist, vice president of the Croation Association of Fine Artists) and Siegfried Zielinski (media theorist, member of the Akademie der Künste). We would like to express our deep gratitude for this new opportunity for cooperation.

The artists will have the possibility to present their projects at the next conference of the European Alliance of Academies, entitled „Freedom of Art in Times of War“, taking place 15-16 December 2022 at Akademie der Künste, Berlin.


The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine joins the European Alliance of Academies

The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine joins the European Alliance of Academies

We are pleased to welcome the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine as the newest member to the European Alliance of Academies. After the Alliance officially condemned the war in Ukraine and expressed its support for the inclusion of institutions outside the European Union, the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine was unanimously accepted.

The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (NAM of Ukraine) is a high public scientific and artistic institution founded in 1996, according to the Presidential Edict about the establishment of a self-governed academic institution in the field of culture and art. In 2010, with the next Presidential Edict, the Academy gained the status of the national organization.

In total, the Academy is presented today by 104 academicians and members-correspondents. They are divided by profile sections: fine arts, music, film art, history and theory of arts, and synthesis of plastic arts. Besides, there are 38 foreign members and 27 honored academicians. 

According to the statutory provisions of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, the main activities are the following, among other: conducting fundamental and applied scientific researches on creative art, history and theory of Ukrainian art, art critics, art and esthetic education; conducting exhibitions and other presentation events; developing the scientific and cultural cooperation with foreign scientists and artists; studying and generalizing the scientific and creative experience of national and world culture personalities, promotion of scientific knowledge and creative achievements of the national art at the global level. There are two research institutes under the jurisdiction of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine: the Modern Art Research Institute (MARI, founded in 2001) and the Institute for Cultural Studies (ICS, founded in 2007).

Today, the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine is a focal point around which artists and scientific researchers of different genres and fields are united, as well as art and culture high schools and centers. You can read a statement of Academy-President Prof. Victor Sydorenko here.


Short video shows motivation behind the committment

Short video shows motivation behind the committment

The summer is over and the European Alliance of Academies is starting into autumn 2022 with many projects. In the coming weeks, we would like to introduce you to the people and institutions that are driving our Alliance forward with their ideas and visions. At the last meeting at Akademie van Kunsten in Amsterdam, we asked what the Alliance means to its members – here are the answers. Please subscribe to our Social Media Channels on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get more updates!


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The Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism rewards outstanding journalism work that promotes or defends the core principles and values of the European Union such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and human rights. Daphne Caruana Galizia was a Maltese journalist, blogger and anti-corruption activist who was killed in a car bomb explosion in 2017. In October 2021, the European Parliament started awarding The Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism on a yearly basis. The aim is to support and highlight the importance of professional journalism in safeguarding freedom, equality and opportunity.

This year’s call for submission of entries is open until 31 July 2022, 12 noon (CEST).

The €20,000 annual prize will be awarded to journalists or teams of journalists based in the European Union. The winning article will be chosen by an independent jury.

Learn more about the Prize rules on the The Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism website daphnejournalismprize.eu


After the students and teachers of University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest (SZFE) occupied their university building for 71 days in autumn 2020 to fight for the freedom and independence of the university, the Freeszfe Society, an independent creative, educational and cultural space, was founded in February this year.

Former and current students, teachers and staff of SZFE work together here autonomously and democratically in a free atmosphere of creative work and education. For example, they run the educational programme „Emergency Exit Program“, which is a cooperation on a European level that won the European Citizen Award and enables Freeszfe students to successfully graduate.

Robert Wilson, Theatre director and member of Akademie der Künste in Berlin supports the movement: “I consider it my civic duty to state that I do not agree to the gutting of educational and artistic independence and freedom, nor to the unhealthy concentration of too much power and influence in the hands of a few” – Robert Wilson; Paris, September 17, 2021

At the moment, the members of the Freeszfe Society do the work necessary for the survival of society without any compensation: they teach, manage, plan, organise. Moreover, students who have left SZFE and joined Freeszfe have lost their benefits – their scholarships, their health insurance and the possibility of a student loan, which used to be guaranteed by the state. Freeszfe also faces the challenge of finding permanent premises in Budapest for the future.

A fundraising campaign is currently underway. Any support that the Freefsze Society receives will help the students with their exams (films and productions) and secure them some scholarship:

#supportfreearteducation #freeszfe


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About the Freeszfe Society | Made by the Freeszfe documentary team


Over summer break, the work of the European Alliance of Acadamies continued: Important topics and interviews with key actors of the Alliance are part of the current issue of the Journal der Künste #16. The continous dialogue with our partners in the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania has resulted in contributions to the current issue. All contributions help to illustrate the different realities of life in Europe.

Read the full article in the Journal der Künste see here.


Journalist Matthias Krupa (Zeit Online) interviews Dominika Kasprowicz (Villa Decius) and Philipp Ther (University of Vienna) on the question of where the negative emotions in the sociopolitical debates of our time come from – and what we can do to counteract the division of Europe.

Read the full article here.


At the suggestion of Martin Krafl (Czech Literary Centre), a text by Czech writer Radka Denemarková has been included, in which she traces historical conditions at the interface between Neoliberalism and Capitalism on the one side and human rights, democracy and freedom of opinion on the other.

Read the full article here.

Photograph by: Matei Bejenaru – ICMET Craiova, Romania, 03, 2019


The photographs by Matej Bejenaru show examples of the voids left at former places of research and innovation after the transformation in some European countries. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Anca Poterasu and Cristina Stoenescu (The Romanian Association for Contemporary Art) for contextualising the content of his photographs.

Read the full article here.

Photograph by: Matei Bejenaru – Natural Science Museum in Iași, Romania, 01, 20215
Европейски алианс на академиите Europski savez akademija Evropská aliance akademií Europæisk sammenslutning af akademier Europäische Allianz der Akademien Europese alliantie van de academiën European Alliance of Academies Euroopa akadeemiate ühendus Akatemioiden eurooppalainen liittoutuma Alliance européenne des academies Ευρωπαϊκή σύμπραξη των Ακαδημιών Akadémiák Európai Szövetsége Comhghuallaíocht Eorpach na nAcadamh Alleanza europea delle Accademie Eiropas Akadēmiju alianse Europos akademijų aljansas Allianza Ewropea tal-Akkademji Europejski sojusz akademii Aliança Europeia das Academias Alianța Europeană a Academiilor Európska aliancia akadémií Zveza evropskih akademij Alianza Europea de Academias Europeiska akademiska alliansen