Virtual Residency fellows of our Call for Projects announced

The European Alliance of Academies is awarding ten virtual residencies to artists for participation in the project “Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age”. The selection was preceded by a call of projects on the topic of biopolitics, exploring the relation between governments and their citizens, especially in the context of the (post)pandemic crisis.
The virtual residencies will take place from December 2021 until May 2022 and are endowed with EUR 5,000 each. During this period, the artists will create new works that will be shown online on the digital platform LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe. Within the next weeks we will do portraits of the artists on our website to introduce them in more detail.
The selected artists and their projects (working titles) are:
Željko Beljan & Rebecca Merlić
Iulian Bisericaru
María José Crespo
A disturbing comfort
Larisa Crunțeanu
Luïza Luz
The Privilege of Dreaming
Jovana Popić
Controlling Future: Technologies of Resistance
Dimitrina Popova
The 5 Houses
Anahita Razmi
Cássio Deniz Santiago
Syntax of Care
Karina Pino & Ricardo Sarmiento
Mund auf. On the lives of migrant sex workers in Berlin
The call for projects was directed to artists from all artistic disciplines who are associated by the institutions and academies of the European Alliance of Academies. This jury was composed up of Liesbeth Bik (artist, chair of the Akademie van Kunsten KNAW), Arnold Dreyblatt (artist, composer, musician, member of Akademie der Künste), Kristoffer Gansing (director of the International Center for Knowledge in the Arts – The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts), Anca Poterasu (director of the Romanian Association for contemporary Art), Cristina Stonescu (curator of the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art), Josip Zanki (artist, member of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists) and Siegfried Zielinski (media theorist, member of the Akademie der Künste).