
How can artistic cooperation take place in the digital space? What legal and political possibilities are there to protect the freedom of art in Europe?
These questions were addressed by the members of the European Alliance of Academies on March 12, 2021. Digitally connected from thirteen countries across Europe, 40 member representatives presented the progress of the seven working groups and formulated further Alliance ambitions.
When founding the Alliance the members agreed that, besides artistic possibilities for action, legal and political measures had to be taken in order to advocate the autonomy and freedom of the arts in Europe. Consequently, the Alliance decided to cooperate with the European Centre for Constitutional Rights (ECCHR). The measures taken so far as well as the further proceedings were presented by the ECCHR’s general secretary, Wolfgang Kaleck.
Another item on the agenda was the implementation of a digital platform that shall enable the sharing of knowledge, artistic production, activism, information and communication. Taking into account concepts such as temporalities and imagination, Kristoffer Gansing, Marina Warner and Prof. Norbert Palz deliberated how artistic cooperation can be transferred into the digital space.
At the end of the meeting, the members decided to accept the requests of The Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague – UMPRUM and the Freie Akademie der Künste, Hamburg, to join the European Alliance of Academies.
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