
Akademie der Kuenste, Pariser Platz. Konferenz: Europaeische Allianz der Akademien. 08.–10.10.2020 Copyright: Marcus Lieberenz/bildbuehne.de
In October 2020, the „European Alliance of Academies“ was founded in Berlin on the initiative of the Akademie der Künste. Almost 70 institutions from all over Europe signed the joint manifesto „Open Continent“, which positions itself against nationalistic cultural policies in Europe. In 2021, the members of the alliance picked up the transnational and interinstitutional work.
What the alliance stands for, which actors and institutions are involved and what highlights there were at the conference are shown in this wonderful summary.
Video edit by Adam Naparty
Impressions of the European Alliance of Academies Conference, October 2020
Европейски алианс на академиите Europski savez akademija Evropská aliance akademií Europæisk sammenslutning af akademier Europäische Allianz der Akademien Europese alliantie van de academiën European Alliance of Academies Euroopa akadeemiate ühendus Akatemioiden eurooppalainen liittoutuma Alliance européenne des academies Ευρωπαϊκή σύμπραξη των Ακαδημιών Akadémiák Európai Szövetsége Comhghuallaíocht Eorpach na nAcadamh Alleanza europea delle Accademie Eiropas Akadēmiju alianse Europos akademijų aljansas Allianza Ewropea tal-Akkademji Europejski sojusz akademii Aliança Europeia das Academias Alianța Europeană a Academiilor Európska aliancia akadémií Zveza evropskih akademij Alianza Europea de Academias Europeiska akademiska alliansen