Ken Loach

This conference embodies an important principle: the arts are not neutral. At a time of great existential danger, the ideas that lie behind our work can illuminate a way forward, and know the past in order to understand the present.
Politicians will make compromises, but artists should affirm lasting principles – tell the reality to undermine the propaganda.
The great American singer, Paul Robeson, was an artist who stood in solidarity with the working class across the world. He said: ‘Artists are the gatekeepers of truth. They are civilisation’s radical voice.’
I hope this conference will enable our radical voice to be heard loudly and clearly.
Европейски алианс на академиите Europski savez akademija Evropská aliance akademií Europæisk sammenslutning af akademier Europäische Allianz der Akademien Europese alliantie van de academiën European Alliance of Academies Euroopa akadeemiate ühendus Akatemioiden eurooppalainen liittoutuma Alliance européenne des academies Ευρωπαϊκή σύμπραξη των Ακαδημιών Akadémiák Európai Szövetsége Comhghuallaíocht Eorpach na nAcadamh Alleanza europea delle Accademie Eiropas Akadēmiju alianse Europos akademijų aljansas Allianza Ewropea tal-Akkademji Europejski sojusz akademii Aliança Europeia das Academias Alianța Europeană a Academiilor Európska aliancia akadémií Zveza evropskih akademij Alianza Europea de Academias Europeiska akademiska alliansen